Discreet Delivery Program

Never run out of Essentials 360 products with Essentials 360 Discreet Delivery Discount Service…
- Regular timed shipments
- Greatest savings
- FREE discreet delivery forever to your front door
- Change or adjust your schedule anytime you please
- Cancel at anytime
This special service means…
- No running out of the products you love and need
- No rushing off to the store only to find no underwear in your size or brand
- No lugging heavy boxes from the car
- No calling friends or family because you’re out of underwear
- No embarrassing standing at the checkout line with boxes of underwear
With Essentials 360 Discreet Delivery Discount Service, you’ll automatically get a new shipment at the schedule of your choice for the lowest, locked-in price billed to your credit card, all with FREE discreet shipping forever to your front door. You may adjust your schedule or quantity or cancel at any time simply by calling customer service (866-613-3714).
What Our Customers Are Saying
Thousands of Happy Customers Just Like You
On Top Of It!
— Mary U.“Thank you for taking care of me. I love that Essentials 360 is on top of it and helping me get the supplies I need so I won’t run out. I just want you to know I am grateful and feel loved and cared for.”
Such A Blessing
— M. E. Lyall“I sat looking out of my window fearing I was going to run out of underwear.As I started to get into my car, I looked down my driveway and I can’t tell you how happy I was to see anything in my life! This underwear is such a blessing!You have no idea how much freedom it has given me!”
Love The Freedom
— Joan H.“I love having Essentials 360 products.I also love the freedom Essentials 360 has given me in not having to go to the store and carry heavy bags.It made me feel weak and old with everyone always asking me if I needed a hand.Now I can just open the door and bring them inside!”